welcome to swale green party
We’re working hard to improve your area

litter picking
Swale Green Party carry out regular litter picks. Please get in touch if you would like us to help out in your area.

water testing
Swale Green party work with Faversham Water Quality Group (FAVWAT) to carry out water testing in our local streams and rivers, collecting evidence so that we can hold water companies to account.

tree planting
Members of Swale Green Party work with Trees for Farms who plant trees throughout Swale.
Green councillors were first elected onto Swale Borough Council in May 2019 and in the June 2019 Swale Borough Council meeting, Green councillor Tim Valentine proposed a motion to Declare a Climate & Ecological Emergency, the motion was passed and council staff have been working towards making the council’s operations carbon neutral by 2025. Sittingbourne, Sheppey and Faversham intend to be Carbon Neutral by 2030. The Council have developed a Climate Action Plan and have set some very ambitious targets for reducing their carbon footprint. The council have prioritized the improvement of energy efficiency and making space for nature and are pursuing the Swale Strategic Air Quality Action Plan.

zero emissions fleet
Electric vans are now included in the council fleet saving 20 tonnes of C02 per year.

Volunteers and community groups have planted over 1,600 trees supplied by the Swale Borough Council since 2019.

safer cycle routes
With new cycle routes and reduced speed limits on our roads, cycling is becoming safer and easier.

ev chargers installed
Electric Vehicle chargers have been installed in car parks across the borough making it easier for everyone to reduce their carbon footprint.

renewables in homes
Swale Borough Council have worked with Solar Together, leading to over 450 referrals for solar installations in homes.

ELectric bike hire
Electric bike hire and car share schemes have been set up to reduce traffic and improve air quality.
swale rainbow homes
Swale Borough Council has set up a local housing company to meet the need for affordable housing that is not being provided by the market, so, for the first time in many years, the council can start building much-needed homes for social rent.
The housing company, Swale Rainbow Homes Ltd, will deliver more than 170 new properties at three sites in Sittingbourne. It will be wholly-owned by the council, but will not place any financial burden on the council or the taxpayer.
we’re making a difference in kent

Swale Green Party support SOS Whitstable who’s mission is to protect the sea and coastal communities in South East England by eliminating sewage pollution and promoting biodiversity.

protecting our libraries
In 2024 Kent Greens organised a protest against threatened library closures and Hannah Temple created an online petition .
For the time being, the libraries remain open, but we will keep reminding KCC how important they are to our community.

protecting our countryside
Hannah Temple worked with the community group Save Ham Farm who successfully resisted an application for housing development on a crucial wildlife habitat outside Faversham.
Find out what we’ve been up to, about issues in your area, and see the work we’ve done in the past.
- Rich Lehmann’s Councillor’s Report January 2025
- Swale Green Party withdraw from the coalition at Swale Borough Council to take a stand for nature and for local democracy
- Rich Lehmann’s Statement on the election of President Trump
- Rich Lehmann’s Councillor’s report november 2024
- Shock as planning decision is taken out of Councillors’ hands.