Shock as planning decision is taken out of Councillors’ hands.

Green Councillors Rich Lehmann, Alastair Gould and Terry Thompson were devastated to be told a few hours before the planning committee meeting on 7th November, that the planning decision on the enormous development, Highsted Park, South and East of Sittingbourne had been “called-in” by government.

Swale Council’s planning officers had recommended refusal of the application because of the terrible impact it would have on Bapchild, Teynham and the surrounding communities and countryside, but the councillors were given notice shortly before the meeting that the Secretary of State would, instead, carry out an inquiry.

Terry Thompson, our Green Party representative on the planning committee, is angry that the decision has been taken out of local control and that an application for development on high grade farmland may be permitted. He says “We are losing vast areas of agricultural land due to development and climate change. A proper study needs to be carried out to assess the value of this land in terms of national food production, local employment and the environment before any construction is carried out on Kent farmland”.

Alastair Gould, who is chair of the committee developing the new Local Plan asks, “What is the point of having a planning committee if we can’t even get to discuss the most controversial planning application on our patch, which has cross-party opposition?  If this development is given the green light, it will make a mockery of the local planning system and the development of the Local Plan”.

Rich Lehmann, leader of the Green Group on Swale Borough Council says “This will be a disaster for local communities and infrastructure. What happened to Labour’s promises of devolution and more powers for local government?

There have been over 700 objections to this planning application, including from National Highways and an agreement locally that the proposals should not go ahead. Where is local democracy in this decision”?

Promoted by T. Valentine on behalf of R.Lehmann, A.Gould & T. Thompson, (Swale Green Party) c/o PO Box 78066, London, SE16 9GQ

Image: SBC Planning Portal

Map showing proposed Highsted Park development area South and East of Sittingbourne
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