We can’t do what we do without our brilliant team of volunteers. Whether that’s delivering leaflets within their community or sharing their professional skills – volunteers are key to creating positive change for swale.
If you’re keen to get involved please email our Coordinator

The Green Party do politics differently. We believe decisions should be taken as locally as possible. Politics is not restricted to the council chamber but happens through actions in the community. From picking up a piece of plastic waste to running a community group, positive actions make our towns and villages the great places they are to live. We want to support positive action by everybody. So get in touch. Let us know your priorities, and what we can do to help!

We are a welcoming group of local people who take decisions together at our regular local party meetings, where we debate and decide our priorities and campaigns. We work together to support our community and our environment. You don’t need to be a member to get involved. Please do get in touch!